1975 in Prophecy (1956) 4 Horsemen - The Black Horse - Famine (1976) 4 Horsemen - The Pale Horse - Disease Epidemics (1975) 4 Horsemen - The Red Horse - War (1975)
4 Horsemen - The White Horse - False Religion (1976) A Tale of Two Prophets (1978) A True History of the True Church (1959) A World Held Captive (1984)
After Death - Then What? (1972) All About Water Baptism (1972) Ambassador For World Peace (1975) Answers from Genesis (1973)
Are We in the Last Days? (1985) Are We Living in the Last Days? (1973) Christmas: The Untold Story (1990) Come Help Humanity! (1976)
Coming a New Age (1978)   Crime Can Be Stopped... Here's How (19??) Did God Create a Devil? (1973) Divorce and Remarriage (1953)
Do You Have an Immortal Soul? (1973)   Does God Exist? (1972) Does God Heal Today? (1952) Easter is Pagan! (1957)
  Ending Your Financial Worries (1959)   Has Time Been Lost? (1972)   Hippies - Hypocrisy and Happiness (1968)   How Often Should We Partake of the Lord's Supper? (1974)
  How to Have a Happy Marriage (1988)   How to Study the Bible (1973)   How to Understand Prophecy (1972) Human Nature - Did God Create It? (1976)
  Is All Animal Flesh Good Food? (1978)   Is God a Trinity? (1973)   Is God Trying to Save the World Now? (1986)   Is Sex Sin? (1973)
  Is There a Real Hell Fire? (1974)   Is There a Real Spirit World? (1989)   Is This the End Time? (1973)   Just What Do You Mean... Born Again? (1972)
  Just What Do You Mean... Conversion? (1972)   Just What Do You Mean... Kingdom of God? (1972)   Lazarus and the Rich Man (1973)   Life After Death (1978)
  Managing Your Personal Finances (1954)   Managing Your Personal Finances (1970)   Marriage and Divorce (1973)   Military Service and War (1967)
  Military Service and War (1985)   Modern Dating (1972)   Never Before Understood - Why Humanity Cannot Solve Its Evils (1981)   New Facts About Marijuana (1970)
  Pagan Holidays - or God's Holy Days - Which? (1976)   Predestination - Does the Bible Teach It? (1973)   Principles of Healthful Living (1975)   Principles of Healthful Living (1985)
  Proclaiming the Gospel by Your Last Will and Testament (1978) Read the Book (1973) Russia & China in Prophecy (1987) Seven Proofs God Exists (1972)
  Seven Proofs of God's True Church (1975)   Teach Your Children About God (1974)   The Bible: Superstition or Authority? (1985)   The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last (1972)
  The Crucifixion Was Not on Friday (1968)   The Dilemma of Drugs (1976)   The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1973)   The Inside Story of the World Tomorrow Broadcast (1963)
  The Key to the Book of Revelation (1972)   The Mark of the Beast (1952)   The Middle East in Prophecy (1972)   The Modern Romans (1975)
  The New Feminism - Have Women Every Really Had Their Rights (1970)   The Occult Explosion - What Does It Mean? (1974)   The Plain Truth About Child Rearing (1970)   The Plain Truth About Christmas (1970)
  The Plain Truth About Christmas (1974)   The Plain Truth About Easter (1973)   The Plain Truth About Healing (1979)   The Proof of the Bible (1958)
  The Real Jesus (1972)   The Resurrection Was Not on Sunday (1972)   The Seven Laws of Radiant Health (1973)   The Seven Laws of Success (1974)
  The Ten Commandments (1972)   The Tongues Question (1970)   The World Won't End This Way!   This is Ambassador College (1969)
  This is the World Wide Church of God (1971)   Tithing (1975)   To Kill a People (1972)   True Womanhood (1973)
  Truth About Earthquakes (1961)   Truth About Make-Up (1964)   What Do You Mean... Salvation? (1973)   What Do You Mean... The Unpardonable Sin? (1972)
  What is a Real Christian? (1973)   What is a Real Christian? (1985)   What is Faith? (1972)   What Is Man? (1986)
  What is the Reward of the Saved? (1973)   What is the True Gospel? (1972)   What Science Can't Discover About the Human Mind (1978)   What Will You be Doing in the Next Life? (1969)
  Where are Enoch and Elijah? (1973)   Where is God's True Church Today? (1973)   Where is the True Church? (1984)   Which Day is the Christian Sabbath? (1972)
  Which Day is the Sabbath of the New Testament? (1971)   Who is the Beast? (1960)   Who or What is the Prophetic Beast? (1960)   Who Was Jesus? (1988)
  Who Will Rule Space? (1968)   Why Marriage - Soon Obsolete (1964)   Why Were You Born? (1972)   Will Christ Return? (1990)
  World Crisis in Agriculture (1974)   World Peace - How It Will Come (1978)   Your Awesome Future - How Religion Deceives You (1978)   Your Best Investment (1977)
  Your Marriage Can be Happy (1972)